Fading Light – An Anthology of the Monstrous

Well it’s been almost a month since my last post but I’m back and with some great news. This September will see me get my first publication credit as an author. YAY!!!!

My short story Light Save Us will be coming out through Angelic Knight Press as part of the anthology Fading Light – An Anthology of the Monstrous, edited by Tim Marquitz of Demon Squad fame. This is a horror anthology, a very dark horror anthology, and Tim managed to secure some really big names. The biggest of which is Mark Lawrence, that guy whose book caused an internet meltdown because of “all the rape” (follow the link and decide for yourself). I am absolutely stoked that my story will be leading into his, and I hope all those people who pick up the anthology for a Lawrence short story enjoy all the other amazing stories in there.

I’ll keep you posted on the release details, but until then expect me to start acting like a rock star. You guys have been beautiful, peace out.